Working Time
Mon-Sat 07:00 - 08:00
Mon-Sat 18:00 - 21:00
Contact Info
Phone: 9000001244
Laparoscopic Surgery

This is a minimal invasive surgery, patient has less pain, little scar (cosmetically better), patient can ambulate early ,allow orals early and patient discharge from the hospital on the same day or subsequent day.
Our clinic provides laparoscopic surgery for GERD (acidity), hiatal hernia, achalasia cardia, Gastric outlet obstruction, benign gastric tumors, gastric and small intestinal perforation, small intestinal tumors, colorectal cancers, rectal prolapse, gall bladder stones, pancreatic tumors, splenic problems.
Our clinic also provides laparoscopic surgery for liver cysts and abscess and diagnostic laparoscopic surgery and staging laparoscopy.
Why ?
These small incisions are only approximately 0.5 inches long. As a result, laparoscopy avoids the need for an open surgical procedure. Doctors commonly refer to laparoscopy as minimally invasive surgery or keyhole surgery.
The Procedure of ?
Laparoscopy is usually done as an outpatient procedure. You’ll likely be given general anesthesia for this type of surgery. This means that you’ll sleep through the procedure and won’t feel any pain. To achieve general anesthesia, an intravenous (IV) line is inserted in one of your veins. Through the IV, your anesthesiologist can give you special medications and well as provide hydration with fluids.
- By observing these areas with a laparoscope, your doctor can detect an abdominal mass or Tumor, Hernias, Appendicitis.
- Small intestine and large intestine (colon), fluid in the abdominal cavity, Gallbladder, Liver disease.
- Endometriosis, a disorder in which the tissue that forms the lining, Fibroids Cysts or Tumors Cancer.
- An infection of the reproductive organs, Pancreas, Trauma to a particular organ.
Laparoscopy is performed when these tests don’t provide enough information or insight for a diagnosis. The procedure may also be used to take a biopsy, or sample of tissue, from a particular organ in the abdomen.